
Graphic packaging


Music videos

Web design & Development

Who are we

Studio Yael was established in 2006

Over the years, our studio has engaged in a broad spectrum of design, creating diverse works in various fields such as logos and branding, catalogs, packaging, websites, presentations, animated videos, music clips, graphic designs for TV programs, designs for businesses, restaurants, commercial spaces, and fashion.

We have collaborated with numerous businesses, companies, and organizations. Within the studio, professionals from different backgrounds work together: art directors, animators, production managers, developers, editors, photographers, and more.

We are all here because we chose and love this profession. Always curious and happy to discover new things, learn, and experience design from every angle – design is truly a way of life!

Together, we are a winning team, guiding the client to excellent results. The success of the client and the brand is our success!


Programmer & Information systems


Animator & Video Editor


CEO & Creative Director

What do we do

Music videos

Editing and designing visuals that accompany songs and music. Allowing imagination to build the video for your song or clip.

Graphic packaging

A complete packaging designed for a movie or series, television program, or promotional film. The logo, intro, transitions, and typography in a design language that accompanies and unifies the overall visual identity.


The unique and creative way to convey a message, express feelings and emotions, connecting through visual enchantment in motion – animation and illustrated videos for tutorials, music videos.


Branding that highlights and distinguishes the brand from competitors. We specialize in comprehensive branding, including logo design and complementary products such as website development, print, user experience (UX/UI), and more…

Let's create something amazing together

Web Design & Development Team

We are currently working on launching our brand new website dedicaited to our web development and design protfolio.
Meanwhile you can see some of our best projects in this gallery.

Every website we make is fully responsive and supports all screen sizes.
We also make a fully customized backends for easy updates and contorol for your site, if you want to see a demo, ask us - in the new website you'll be able to see the demos by yourself.

בית במושבה

Real estate website

Doral Tech
דוראל טק

Energize your innovation

Noga Shemesh

Retreats and workshops

Kidmat Eden
קדמת עדן

Real estate investments and ventures

Keren Paz
קרן פז

Lecturer, designer, trainer

Travel Time
טרוול טיים

Social club for deals and vacations


Renewable Energy

Mirin Naor Citron
מירית נאור ציטרון

Business and management development consultant

Lev Yafe Herzliya
לייב יפה הרצליה

Real estate project landing page

Blue Ark Shipping
בלו ארק ספנות

Digital business card for a shipping company

Movie Star
מובי סטאר

Custom design and editing of clips and videos

Pisga Cyber
פסגה סייבר

SAAS - Moodle LLM for Pisga Cyber
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